Happy New Year everyone. I believe that I will begin posting what I learned for the day during 2015, good or bad. I learn from practical application and testimony so maybe my lessons learned will help someone else. First day of the year, first Christmas spent with loved ones, first visits, first marriages, first car, whatever your firsts are this year…remember that just because they are first doesn’t mean that things won’t change quickly. It doesn’t mean that they won’t turn into something that may not ever occur again!! Firsts can quickly become lasts.
Lesson today is that the folks you love the most WILL let you down as you WILL them. Will it hurt? Yes. Will you survive? Maybe. Will your actions or reactions dictate the situations? Absolutely. What do we do to make it through? Don’t know. Hadn’t gotten to that lesson this year yet. If I were guessing, do a lot of praying and repenting for your part in it to God! He is the only person you can count on. Humans act on emotion, it’s the way we are built. But the way you handle the outfall of the situation is the tell-tale. We’ll see what the second day of the year will bring. On to Lesson #2, hope it doesn’t hurt as much as this one!
~Blue Fusion